Jobs Posted on Internet Drop 150,200 in May: Report

About 4,827,600 online job postings appeared on leading Internet job boards in May, a decrease of 150,200 from April, the Conference Board reported Wednesday.

"The upward trend in labor demand since the end of the recession seems to have stalled in 2013," said June Shelp, vice president at the Conference Board. "The 2013 levels for labor demand are still well above the pre-recession high of April 2007, but the small 2013 pullback of 29,000 per month in labor demand indicates that the national economy is still not out of the woods."

The supply/demand rate stands at 2.3 unemployed for each vacancy. In April there were 6.7 million more unemployed than the number of advertised vacancies, down from 11.9 million at the end of the recession in June 2009.

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