Jobs Posted on Internet Off 108,700 in Aug.: Report

About 4,684,800 online job postings appeared on leading Internet job boards in August, a decrease of 108,700 from July, the Conference Board reported Wednesday.

"So far, 2012 is shaping up to be a very slow-growth recovery for labor demand," said June Shelp, vice president at the Conference Board. "August is a month when we normally expect to see employers gear up for the fall, but this year, labor demand was disappointingly below seasonal expectations."

Still, jobs have risen an average 45,000 a month this year, with 45 of the 50 states up.

"The Supply/Demand rate for the U.S. in July (the latest month for which the national unemployment number is available) stands at 2.67, indicating that there are between 2 and 3 unemployed workers for every online advertised vacancy. Nationally, there are 8 million more unemployed workers than advertised vacancies," the Conference Board said in its release.

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