U.S. Q2 current account shows $123.1B deficit, up from $113.5B in Q1

WASHINGTON — The U.S. current account deficit widened considerably to $123.1 billion in the second quarter from a revised $113.5 billion gap in the previous quarter.

The primary income surplus narrowed to $47.2 billion in the first quarter from $50.1 billion in the previous quarter, while the secondary income deficit widened to $33.0 billion from $25.5 billion in the previous quarter.

The balance on goods and services narrowed modestly to a $137.3 billion gap in the second quarter from $138.1 billion gap in the previous quarter, providing some offset.

The current account rose to 2.6% of GDP in the second quarter from 2.4% in the previous quarter, hitting its highest point since the first quarter of 2016.


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