Muni Minute: What's On Tap in This Week's Primary Market?

In the newest installment of Muni Minute – The Bond Buyer's 60-second video series that examines a top municipal market story in the coming week – we hone in on which issuers will join the rush to take advantage of near-record low interest rates, as well as one big state that won't be in this week's parade.

VOICE OVER: The market environment is still the same. This week's lineup about municipal issues is now far different. Muni issuers will continue to take advantage of attractive and historically low rates this week, though the lineup has changed. Pennsylvania was supposed to be top the week's calendar with a $1.2 billion competitive offering. That deal has been postponed, now planned for August 9, which gives investors more time to digest the newly approved budget. That leaves the refinancing barrage to other issuers such as the Michigan State Building Authority, The New York MTA and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.

The MSBA will hit the market with a $664 million deal, which is expected to produce a new present value savings of at least 20%, according to authority officials. The MTA is expected to issue roughly $520 million, while the MBTA is scheduled to hit the market on Tuesday, with two competitive sales totaling roughly $344 million, in what will be their first competitive offering in 15 years. The three issuers have been clear about plans to refinance to take advantage of low rates. Only of course, if it makes economic sense. I'm Aaron Wentzman and this has been your Muni Minute.