Jobs Posted on Internet Up 39,900 in February: Report

NEW YORK – About 4,423,300 online job postings appeared on leading Internet job boards in February, an increase of 39,900 from January, the Conference Board reported Monday.

“In a positive sign the Supply/Demand rate dipped below the 3.0 level for the first time since November 2008,” said June Shelp, vice president at the Conference Board. “This reflects both significant gains in labor demand as well as drops in unemployment levels since the end of the recession. Labor demand is up 227,000 over the past three months, continuing to narrow the gap between the unemployed and available jobs.  With the monthly level of job demand around 4.4 million, labor demand is back in line with the pre-recession series high in 2007.”

The Supply/Demand rate stands at 2.9 unemployed for every vacancy; however, nationally there are still 8.4 million more unemployed than advertised vacancies, the Conference Board said.

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