Jobs Posted on Internet Up 208,800 in March

About 4,454,500 online job postings appeared on leading Internet job boards in March, an increase of 208,800 from February,  the Conference Board reported Wednesday.

“Thus far in 2011, labor demand is looking strong,” said June Shelp, board vice president. “In the first quarter of 2011, the monthly increase in advertised vacancies has averaged about 200,000/month. That’s good news after the overall anemic growth in labor demand over the last 11 months of 2010. In March, almost half of the advertised vacancies were new ads that were not there the previous month (new ads up 98,200). This is a further positive sign that employers are continuing to look for workers.”

The supply/demand rate for the United States in February, the latest month for which unemployment numbers are available, stands at 3.22, indicating that there are over three unemployed workers for every online advertised vacancy. Nationally, there are 9.4 million more unemployed workers than advertised vacancies.

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